Our lesson this week was based on the talk "Opening our Hearts", Gerald Lund & presented by Sister Maxine. The voice that speaks to our heart is a voice you feel more than a voice you hear. In terms of our heart & how we are or are not open to hear was expressed in a way using fences, one was a lovely painted picket fence with gate & welcome sign & the other was an 8 foot barbed wire fence with a sign "No Trespassing". God allows us to be our own gate keepers of our own hearts. We are responsible for what we allow our hearts to hear. ' Hence we know that messages can be carried unto the heart but ultimatley to carry it into the heart, is if we allow it & humble ourselves to that still small voice. I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.' Phil 4:13 (this would have to be one of my all time favourite scriptures) .
A Sister stated how writing in her journal, the times when she has most felt the spirit by listening to a speaker & having a witness of the doctrine being taught; how that helps in times when you're feeling down to be strengthened.
To all you sisters who are unwell at the moment, we wish you a speedy recovery. There seems to be so much ill health amongst families in the ward at the moment. Lots of prayers needed, so remember to think of those in your personal & family prayers, even if you're one of the unwell. The more prayers, the more happy smilier faces : )
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