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27 September, 2008





23 September, 2008



Hi Sisters,
We were rather light on again on Sunday, so I hope those of you who are unwell are feeling better and rearing to go again...

Our lesson on Sunday was given by Sr Lisa Wheeler on the 'Plan of Salvation'.
Lisa (and Collette) drew the Plan of Salvation as a diagram on the blackboard. We learn that we ought to study the plan of salvation more than any other, as it is regarded as one of heaven's best gifts to mankind. There is so much in the lesson, that I encourage you to read it. If you want a better understanding of life before and what happens in life after, it is a must read....

Next weeks lesson is going to be given by Sr Rebecca Ota Ota. It is in the last conference Ensign. It is titles "Born Again" by Elder Christoffhensen.

Just a reminder this month is going fast.....try to get your visiting teaching in. There are so many sister sick who need visits.

Love Bonnie (and Carol, Annette and June).

16 September, 2008 it is Lisa....the recipe

Bircher Muesli- Carol O style

I have only ever made this in bulk using larger quantities but this receipe will still make a fair amount to sustain your taste buds:

3 cups whole rolled oats (I used a combination of a muesli fruit mix from Woollies & rolled oats)
100g slivered or flaked almonds (can also add 100g macadamia & 100g hazelnuts)
1 cup coconut (I used the courser coconut)
1 cup sultanas or make a mixture of sultanas, dried fruit (apple, apricot, peach, pear) diced to your liking (I also diced some tinned peaches)
1 cup milk
2 cups vanilla lite yoghurt (plain brand works)

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl well & cover & refrigerate overnight to soak.
If in the morning it's not loose enough for you just add some more milk or yoghurt or both, whatever takes your fancy.

bon appetite & healthy eating

Sunday Snippetts

Yay...........I have my hard drive back & ready to blog. Thanks to Scott for making some needed upgrades & adjustments.
Sunday's lesson was taught by Sis Ellen on 'Revelation & the Living Prophet'. To have received revelation one needs to to do their homework, as in scripture study & prayer, to name a couple of things
Sis Ellen relayed a story about a YM who wanted to serve in Japan as he spoke Japanese & was sent to Columbia. Of course he was really surprised but to his surprise while on his mission in Columbia was asked to teach 64 Japanese people who wanted to know about the gospel & baptised the 64 people also. This just proves that we really do have to trust in the Lord as he knows best!
Various examples were offered from sisters where revelation was received for that particular person. We must remember that sometimes revelation given to one person, is not neccessarily something that the next person may understand as it may pertain to the person whom it is given to. There are times when we may not understand things but we need to be in tune with the spirit & obey & follow the promptings. Heavenly Father wants to help us & we have to hear with our hearts not our heads. We are blessed to have not only the scriptures but our church magazines, like the Ensign, where we have words of the Lord for us, in our day, through our living prophets.

07 September, 2008

Sunday Snippetts - Honouring and Strengthening our Priesthood

Today is Fathers day & it's a wonderful time to honour not only our earthly Fathers but our Priesthood, young, middle aged, old & still going strong. Now you're probably wondering what the photo represents. Well I'll keep you guessing for a bit! There are many Priesthood Officers who serve us, The Prophet, Quorum of the Twelve, Stake President, Bishopric, Home Teachers & immediate Priesthood as in your Father, Husband, Son, Grandson or Nephew, just to name a handful. Without the Priesthood we would not have the Church today. What blessings have you received through Priesthood ordinances? Sometimes we don't always obtain the blessings we desire BUT God will somewhere along the line. We have to trust in him. Sometimes it's about teaching us to be humbe, patient and understanding. The Priesthood benefits all church members. They are connected (plugged in) to the powers of Heaven, hence the power chord.

D & C 68:4 'And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord and the power of God unto salvation.'

What can you do to the honour the Priesthood? We can strengthen the Church by supporting the leaders in our Ward & Stake by accepting callings & assignments willingly & fulfilling them
faithfully. If we only think about it as that call from the Priesthood is a call from the Lord.

Sisters pray for our wonderful Priesthood. They need our strength. They have a huge role to play on earth at this time & in particular in our Ward. We cannot do without them & likewise they need our support and love.
Today write a note to a Priesthood Officer, young or old & let them know how much you care & how much their example means to you. It's up to us Sisters to help them and I'm sure we will see the strength and blessings that come along.
Announcements: Don't forget this Tuesday 9th - 10am for Walk, Talk & Eat @ Heritage Forest meeting at Conway Street, Mowbray - bring a picnic morning tea. kym says, SPRING IS HERE, SO SPRING INTO ACTION LADIES!

Friday Club 10am at Jacquies - bring your unfinished craft objects (UFO's)

September is the month for collecting clothing for your 72 hour pack. If you already have clothes in your pack, you'd best check if they have been there for a long time, because you may have changed your shape or maybe not. If you have any clothes that don't fit & are cleaning out, seeing it is spring, send them to Sister Cathy Reeve as she is collecting clothing items for the St Leonards Primary School Fair.

Please keep donating to the knitting basket. If anyone would like some wool to knit items for the basket please let me know.

Have a great week & don't forget next weeks lesson is Revelation and the Living Prophet.

02 September, 2008


From 'L' plater blogger to Red Cross Limo, I managed to snap a shot this morning. A certain someone has had a nasty fall & no it wasn't Humpty and is in a leg brace & has crutches. Who is this mystery person. There is a prize for guesssing???? You might say, it's a prize with a twist. Be ready. By the way anyone for frozen vegies?'ve got to have friends

Introducing........ you picked a fine time to find me LUCILLE. Lucille was happy to help out June with the cutting on Saturday. You know what they say, 'more hands make light work'!

Sunday's Snippets

Our lesson this week was based on the talk "Opening our Hearts", Gerald Lund & presented by Sister Maxine. The voice that speaks to our heart is a voice you feel more than a voice you hear. In terms of our heart & how we are or are not open to hear was expressed in a way using fences, one was a lovely painted picket fence with gate & welcome sign & the other was an 8 foot barbed wire fence with a sign "No Trespassing". God allows us to be our own gate keepers of our own hearts. We are responsible for what we allow our hearts to hear. ' Hence we know that messages can be carried unto the heart but ultimatley to carry it into the heart, is if we allow it & humble ourselves to that still small voice. I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.' Phil 4:13 (this would have to be one of my all time favourite scriptures) .
A Sister stated how writing in her journal, the times when she has most felt the spirit by listening to a speaker & having a witness of the doctrine being taught; how that helps in times when you're feeling down to be strengthened.

To all you sisters who are unwell at the moment, we wish you a speedy recovery. There seems to be so much ill health amongst families in the ward at the moment. Lots of prayers needed, so remember to think of those in your personal & family prayers, even if you're one of the unwell. The more prayers, the more happy smilier faces : )