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29 March, 2009

Sunday Snippets

As it is the 5th Sunday, we were combined with priesthood. Before we get into the bishop's lesson let's do the business. 
  • April 1st Book Club at Gugliotti's home 10 - 12pm. 
  • Reminder please report your visiting teaching to Ingrid or Jess as soon as possible.
  • General Conference Broadcast will be held 11-12th April. All sessions will be shown. Times to be advised.
  • Daylight savings ends next weekend so don't forget to adjust your clocks back one hour!!! 
  • Saturday at 2pm David takes a very important step, being baptised. Please come and show your support.
  • A Ward Cleaning Roster has been put together with West Ward. The chapel is cleaned each Tuesday but to ensure the meeting house is clean and tidy for Sunday meetings we are asked to volunteer for one Saturday for 2 hours to ensure the meeting house is ready for Sunday. Please see the notice board for the sign up sheet with available times. 
  • Please prepare before hand what you require from the library and contact Sis Jack during the week if possible so your class needs will be ready with out the morning rush. This enables Sis Jack to serve us on Sunday mornings more efficiently and smoothly.

Today the Bishop outlined how to register on the stake/ward website on the Australian Official LDS website.
You will also find a link under Useful Links on our blog page.
Once you have clicked onto the site, you will be required to register.  To do this you will need your record number which you will find on either your Temple Recommend or contact Bro. Spilling for your record sheet.  Once you have entered this information a user name and password will be required for you to access the Stake & Ward websites.  Once you have registered an email will be sent to you to confirm before accessing.  If you require any assistance please contact Sis Olendrowsky, our Ward Website Administrator. 

For the Bishop's lesson we focused on SERVICE.  He used the word service as an acronym with various quotes to highlight the importance of service and the benefits to all.


Search:  we need to look beyond our social circle and at times we really need to search, look around for opportunities to serve.
Selflessness: by serving we learn to serve. when we concern ourselves with others, our problems come into perspective.
Appreciation: Those who labour unselfishly in behalf of others, with no thought of remuneration, will be physically and spiritually refreshed and renewed - David B. Haight.
Love:  if we have the love of the saviour in our heart we can serve with his help 
Something:  we can do or be something for others, it may be just a smile or a call that we missed you that could make the difference
Charitable:  the world would look upon a man's outward appearance; the Lord's standard is different. He measures our heart; the capacity to bless and serve others.
Rewarding:  rewards in a spiritual sense; seek joy and find it outside ourselves; in service we find true joy

Service blesses us.  It can be difficult and time consuming.  As a ward, as we look after each other we can be unified.  Bishop recognised there is lots of good work and service being done. We are encouraged to lengthen our stride in serving our fellow man.


25 March, 2009

Photo gallery from RS Overniter

Let the games begin

game of fruit salad..........where's a seat

for some it was a fight for the seat

I'm a little teapot..................................

.........the winners

& the winner is Launceston East's cake made by Helen Fitch

candles dedicated to those who have been/are wonderful examples

Enter the Drama Queens...................
Just hanging out together

mmmmmmmmmmmm dessert

beep beep...............
choir of high hopes

harvest time at Sassafras

Time Out at Camp Banksia

Stake RS Overniter was held at Camp Banksia, Port Sorell at the weekend. Friday night after feeding the multitudes there were games & way too much laughter. The fruit salad game proved to be hilarious as we each were assigned a fruit & you had to swap seats when your fruit was called out and of course a seat would go missing now & then, so sisters were scrambling everywhere & colliding with one another or the floor to get a bottom on a seat. NOT A PRETTY SIGHT, really. To honor those who have & are great examples to us, a candle lighting ceremony was held, before close of the evening & retiring to our cabin.

Saturday it was up with the birds for some with walks along the beach to watch the sun rise. Absolutely beautiful. God has truly blessed us with beautiful scenery here in our wonderful state & the peace that we find in being able to take time out to enjoy this, is heaven.
Following breakfast & devotional we had time to play outdoors or relax. Some chose to play a little tennis or other games, some went on a treasure hunt along the beach where we had to take photos and some clues were cryptic.
After all that fun, more was in store. We had a choice of 2 workshops, Choir or Drama Queens. The choir sounded beautiful, very inspirational song & sound. The drama queens, well I'll say no more, they were really drama queens. I think there's been some practicing going on.

After all the drama & song lunch was served, BBQ & salads & left over birthday cakes & TIM TAMS, then it was time to close the time out, clean up & pack up & head on out to our various destinations.

Photos to follow later, so stay tuned for those.

01 March, 2009

Breakfast @ Cassa's

Here's what you've been waiting for!!!!!

Our aerobic team

Oh what a glorious morning, oh what a beautiful day. Breathe in, breathe a little, share a little, this is what our Ready Set Go Breakfast entailed. Sisters enjoyed a yummo breakfast in the morning sunshine, followed by some goal sharing & an aerobic workout, well I think that's what you call it. There seemed to be way too much laughing going on & I don't know why. Our special guest, the aerobic (queen) instuctor had a lot to contend with............................

check out the instructor

just look at those gals

move those hips

getting in the groove

happy little vegemites


Just when I thought I'd handed over the blog reigns, the're back in my hands, just for a short while. Carol O.

Sis Chris asked the sisters today what is Relief Society? What is it that they, as a Presidency & us do???? Charity, lead, guidance, stewardship, sisterhood, love, unity, to bring sisters closer to Christ. Visiting teaching is a great way of being able to share the love, sisterhood, help to bring those sisters closer to Christ if we accept the calling to do Visiting teaching & know that we are doing what the Lord has asked of us.
In a talk given by Eld Dallin H. Oakes (Nov 2000 Ensign), he talks about the challenge to become. "The gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan by which we can become what children of God are supposed to become. Now is the time for each of us to work toward our personal conversion, toward becoming what our Heavenly Father desires us to become".....end quote
Sisters it is up to each of us to 'become what we say we are'. Our purpose & promise to the Lord is to do what we do for the pure love of Christ. If you think/know you need some refining now is the time Sisters to start that process. Sis Silvia H. Allred 1st Couns RSGP stated, "The Lord has blessed women with divine attributes of love, compassion, kindness and charity. Through our monthly visits as visiting teachers, we have the power to bless each sister as we extend our arms of love and kindness and give the gifts of compassion and charity. No matter what our individual circumstances are, we all have the opportunity to edify and nurture others." quote from Nov 2007 Ensign..
Time is ours Sisters to apply this challenge, so go go go go go go go

Don't forget next weekend is Multi Stake Youth Convention & sisters if you have been asked to do soup or sandwiches for Sunday night meal for the youth, PLEASE DON'T FORGET. Also if you have spare beds/floor space billets are required for youth & leaders travelling from Hobart Stake & the North West for the weekend. Please let Bro. Jason Rowlings know if you can help with accommodation.

RSVP for Bec's baby shower is 8 March to Marlene

For those who remember Sis Christa Smith who served here approx 15 years will be able to catch up with her at an afternoon tea at the Clark's 2pm Sat 7th March & please bring a plate of afternoon tea to share.

29 Mar - 4 April a billet is required for a Single Adult male who is competing in the Masters Games, so if you can help let the Presidency know.

Next week's lesson is Ch. 26 Elijah and the Restoration of the Sealing Keys