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15 March, 2010

Stake RS Birthday

All roads lead to Deloraine on Saturday morning for the birthday brekkie, workshops & service project.
After sisters consumed eggs, bacon, tomato, pancakes, savory croissants, fruit & muesli it was time for the workshops presented by President Prebble - Absolute Truth, D & C 93 "And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;", President Horsman- Speed Getting to know you with some very interesting questions being asked & there seemed to be lots of laughter from this workshop & President Walters - Happiness your Heritage; Creating and being compassionate are two objectives that contribute to our Heavenly Father's perfect happiness. Creating and being compassionate are two activities that we as his spirit children CAN and SHOULD emulate.

Sis Clark & Sis Clare Horsman shared some simple home decorating ideas that you could do to beautify your home.

Sis Merle & Sis Angela helping out with the Service Project of making tied blankets.

Sis Karina & Sis Jacquie
These are the 11 tied blankets that were made by all the sisters in less than an hour & to finish a quiz on Relief Society Presidents, followed by fruit kebabs & cupcakes.


Nettie's Blog said...

what a great day ...thank you stake and Happy birthday Releif Society...
i am glad i belong to suh a great sisterhood of women...
Celebrations like that should happen more often...

Nettie's Blog said...

PS...Jackie W said she would love to teach us ..she will come to us.....anyone who is interested that is...have a day maybe at the chapel which is need about 5 make that bag...anyone interested???? contact me..Annette
check it out