Well what a feast the brethren served up for our Christmas in July dinner; roast chicken, baked vegs & other vegs, followed by a buffet of sweets to tempt the palate, made by Sisters. Big thanks to our 'Master Chefs' who slaved over a hot stove in the kitchen & willing helpers (YW) to serve on the tables.
In between courses a special tribute was made to our young lady, 'Myrle'. A slide show of photos from the past & present were revealed of Myrle & then a heart shaped caked was presented to her on reaching the mile stone of 90 years young............yay, hip hip hooray.
Once we had stopped licking our lips with the deserts it was time to put together bags of goodies for the service project, which took no time at all. Thanks to all those who donated goodies for the bags & including the home made bags for the goodies to go in.
Surprise! ......Birthday girl
3 wise.........sisters
'Master Chef' alias Bro. Woodward
Jessica, 'Bastian & Sam
'Bag Ladies' from our sewing day at Deloraine earlier in the year.