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12 August, 2010

Sisters who Jingled in July

Well what a feast the brethren served up for our Christmas in July dinner; roast chicken, baked vegs & other vegs, followed by a buffet of sweets to tempt the palate, made by Sisters. Big thanks to our 'Master Chefs' who slaved over a hot stove in the kitchen & willing helpers (YW) to serve on the tables.

In between courses a special tribute was made to our young lady, 'Myrle'. A slide show of photos from the past & present were revealed of Myrle & then a heart shaped caked was presented to her on reaching the mile stone of 90 years young............yay, hip hip hooray.

Once we had stopped licking our lips with the deserts it was time to put together bags of goodies for the service project, which took no time at all. Thanks to all those who donated goodies for the bags & including the home made bags for the goodies to go in.

Surprise! ......Birthday girl

3 wise.........sisters

'Master Chef' alias Bro. Woodward

Jessica, 'Bastian & Sam

'Bag Ladies' from our sewing day at Deloraine earlier in the year.

09 July, 2010

90 years young

Our Loving Sister, Myrle is turning 90, woo hoo. Tomorrow, Saturday, she will celebrate with an outing to Morty's at 5.30pm for dinner & kick her heals up, so to speak with those who are able to join her. We wish you an awesome day filled with love, family & friends. Now for a little song for you:
You've had a birthday, shout HOORAY, we're going to sing to you today, one year older & wiser too, happy birthday to you! hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray. We love you Myrlie xx from all the sisters & families of Launceston East Ward.

As you can see our girl Myrle just keeps on, keeping on giving service.

Some Photos from the recent Stake SA Christmas in July Activity.

Sisters Margaret, Beryl, Gillian, Myrle & Carol

Paul, June & Pat
Jack & Jackie

Ros, Gerry, Dolly, Carol & Va

Marlene & Merilyn

The Entertainment Crew - Wayne, Carol & Joanna

28 June, 2010

Get ready for Christmas in July

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas in July, oh what fun we will have on a cold & frosty night........hey.....
Yes that's right, time to ring those bells and take a sleigh ride to the chapel for a Christmas Activity.

Friday 30th July 2010 @ the Chapel ....Time 6 pm

East & West have combined for this occasion & we will be putting together some kits as a Service Project. The Service Project is for 'Karinya' who need hygiene kits & craft bits & pieces. Please bring along what you can from the list below to help these girls who come into 'Karinya', (place of refuge)as stated below:

Hygiene Kits - items of need are:
(No razors, toothpaste or tooth brushes required)

Craft Boxes:
Any craft equipment you have around the house and no longer need................
paper, wool, crayons, pens, pencils, textas, material, scissors, glue, knitting needles, long stitch, cross stitch, photo frames, beads, etc etc
Good time to have a clean out of your craft section of the house; maybe there's something you don't need anymore that you thought you would do one day & it hasn't happened, so good opportunity to give it to someone else who would enjoy using it.
Soooooooooooo come along to Winter Wonderland & enjoy yourself..... fa la la la la la la la la

25 May, 2010

Ladies in Lavender

On Saturday 24th April, shades of purple, mauve, mullberry, lilac, violet etc etc were the colours for this event, worn by Sisters. No scent of lavender was allowed at this gathering. While the theme was lavender in colour of clothes & food, the evening was an informative one with some fun thrown in, of course with a game of "what if" or whatever it's called, which brought laughter from all over the room. We learnt about what happens & what to do with someone who is highly allergic to lavender, a life & death situation. Thanks to the Tripptree girls for their presentation.

18 April, 2010

Sunday Snippett

The Holy Ghost

Lesson today with Sis. Bec 'Ota'Ota.

He is a "personage of Spirit" (D & C 130:22) He can be in only one place at a time but HIS INFLUENCE can be everywhere at the same time. There are different names given for the Holy Ghost such as Comforter, Testifier, The Spirit, Witness, Communicator, Messenger, Teacher; just to name a few. Ways in which we may feel the Holy Ghost as expressed by Sisters: the Still Small Voice, Dreams, Hearing a Commanding voice, having a warm feeling, burning in your bosom, feeling of someone near you. There maybe many more ways in which you may know that the Holy Ghost speaks to you. President Joseph Fielding Smith said: "When a man has the manifestation from the Holy Ghost, it leaves an indelible (permanent) impression on his soul, one that is not easily erased. It is a Spirit speaking to spirit and it comes with convincing force."
A few Sisters shared experiences as to how they felt/heard the Holy Ghost at certain times of their lives. Maybe you've had an experience which has awoken your awareness of the Holy Ghost & one which you would like to share with another. Has that occasion helped you grow in your testimony?

Luke 12:12 For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.


Honey (yum yum) if you would like honey for your home food storage please place your order on the list on the notice board at the Chapel. Orders & payment to be in by 7 May 2010 to Sis Bailey. No money, no honey. (pardon my humor) The honey will be ordered from Flagstaff Apiaries. Minimum size is 1kg @ $7.00 Other sizes available, so check the noticeboard.

Temple Recommend: If you have one, it's a good time to check if it is still current & that you're still worthy of this blessing & if you don't have one; maybe now's the time to consider making that your goal to work towards preparing to attend the Temple. We have the Stake Temple Trip coming up in September & that will come around sooner than you think, roughly 21 weeks away.

Although a Lavender Party, this is STRICTLY LAVENDER FREE ZONE, so no flowers, dried or fresh or perfumes, oils etc as Sis Angela Tripptree is extremely allergic.
Please bring a friend & bring a plate of supper of which we would love to see some mauvelous creations, wear something that is synonymous with Lavender, like Plum, Lilac, Thistle, orchid, Mauve or Purple. So Sisters start checking your wardrobe for an outfit or be creative. See you there for a mauving experience.

Single Adults
Fast Breaker - Sunday 2nd May @ Jacquies Place - 5:30 pm - Pot luck tea but each will be assigned a Main or Sweet to bring ( TBA)

15 March, 2010

Stake RS Birthday

All roads lead to Deloraine on Saturday morning for the birthday brekkie, workshops & service project.
After sisters consumed eggs, bacon, tomato, pancakes, savory croissants, fruit & muesli it was time for the workshops presented by President Prebble - Absolute Truth, D & C 93 "And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come;", President Horsman- Speed Getting to know you with some very interesting questions being asked & there seemed to be lots of laughter from this workshop & President Walters - Happiness your Heritage; Creating and being compassionate are two objectives that contribute to our Heavenly Father's perfect happiness. Creating and being compassionate are two activities that we as his spirit children CAN and SHOULD emulate.

Sis Clark & Sis Clare Horsman shared some simple home decorating ideas that you could do to beautify your home.

Sis Merle & Sis Angela helping out with the Service Project of making tied blankets.

Sis Karina & Sis Jacquie
These are the 11 tied blankets that were made by all the sisters in less than an hour & to finish a quiz on Relief Society Presidents, followed by fruit kebabs & cupcakes.