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07 December, 2008

Sunday Snippetts

Mirror, mirror. what do you see???

A daughter of God, talents, wrinkles, strength, tiredness, trying, love, stunner, courage, good listener, some not sure, just to name a few. Today we listened to the song, "Sisters in Christ" and a special picture was passed around for the sisters to look at. That picture reflected each and every sister in the room. As the sisters looked at their own reflection they were asked to see what they see. Sisters, we all have talents, strengths, weaknesses, beauty beyond belief, love, compassion and support & the the beauty of our Relief Society Sisters is that we are able to share this with one another, sometimes there are delicate issues of which we don't share with all but know that there are those who one can confide in & of course we never go past our first port of call, with Heavenly Father, on bended knee.

How has Relief Society Blessed your Life?

The loving, caring, service, sacrifice & unity that I see among the sisters strengthens my testimony of Sisters in Christ reaching out to those who are in need of love and the sense of belonging in our family. Your examples of christ like love is remarkable. I am very grateful for your examples. Each one of you hold a special part in me as you shine your individual talents. You are all stunners & each time you look at your reflection remember to smile & know that you are a loved daughter of God & that you have wonderful talents, give yourself a pep talk if you're not seeing the beautiful sister that I see. You should see eyes that sparkle with love, a smile that's as gentle as a dove and remember that no woman in a movie or and ad is as beautiful as YOU.

Sometimes our lives take unexpected turns and we have to move from "plan A to plan B or C" and makes us focus on our spiritual & personal growth. With the love and guidance from Heavenly Father & the love that each of you have for the Savior we are able to help and strengthen one another. Sometimes our plans are not meant to be but knowing that Heavenly Father has a plan for us gives us peace.

Visiting Teaching Moment

Sis Aletia and young Jane did a sharing time spot today. Jane was asked some questions about herself, like was she a Princess, was she gorgeous, what the message of christmas was & how special she was & likewise how special each and every sister is. Sis Aletia told us to "beat the christmas rush and do your visiting teaching early".