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13 November, 2008

Garden Galore

"time out"

YW helped out in Sis Smith's garden this week & here are some pic's of the beautiful enchanted garden.

The waterfall is my favourite & I had time out in the time out chair at the bottom of the garden. Serenity at its best. Thank you Sis Smith.

12 November, 2008

Sunday Snippett - 9th Nov

Some of theYW joined us this week as they normally do once a month, which is always nice to share a lesson together. Sis Ellen had us listen to a piece of music by an orchestra; it sounded really good. When you learn to play an instrument it takes a lot of practice to create a good sound & even more time & sacrifices are required to try for perfection. Now, when you put an orchestra together, think of the practice that is required to bring such harmonies together & sound so magnificent. Our unity is similar, we must each discover the music and our love creates the harmony. If we are dedicated in having the right attitude, focusing on the Savior & are willing to put in the hard work we will be able to 'stand fast through the storms of life'. We can choose to be thankful or we can say 'woe is me'. It is better to transform our trials or afflictions & soldier on. Our dear Prophet, Joseph Smith was a great example of showing how to go forward with courage as he still carried out his responsibilities to the Lord, after being beaten, scratched, tarred & feathered by an angry mob. No one said life was easy & the Lords way is not always easy as trials put us to the test. #30 'Come, come ye saints, no toil nor labor fear, but with joy, wend your way. Though hard to you this journey may appear, grace shall be as your day. Tis better far for us to strive, our useless cares from us to drive, do this and joy your hearts will swell, all is well, all is well.' We can choose to make our lives miserable or we can make good, ask yourself which are you doing now??????

03 November, 2008

We Are Beloved Spirit Daughters..........

We are beloved spirit daughters of God and our lives have meaning, purpose and direction as a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion to Jesus Christ, our Savior and exemplar.
We are women of faith, virtue, vision and charity who;

Increase our testimonies of Jesus Christ through prayer and scripture study
Seek spiritual strength by following the promptings of the Holy Ghost
Dedicate ourselves to strengthening marriages, families and homes
Find nobility in motherhood and joy in womanhood
Delight in service and good works
Love life and learning
Stand for truth and righteousness
Sustain the Priesthood as the authority of God on earth
Rejoice in the blessings of the Temple, understand our divine destiny and strive for exaltation.

Sis Bonnie took our lesson this week based on the opening sentence of the Relief Society Declaration & also a section from the Relief Society Presidency Manual, "help the sister help herself". Getting back to basics by doing daily prayers, holding family home evening, scripture study, visiting teaching, attending Sacrament Meetings. Because we love the Lord, we will want to help ourselves by doing these things which the Lord wants us to do & it will help identify what's important & what's not. If you have a copy of the song, 'His Hands', do yourself a service and have a listen to it & feel of the Lords love; play it again if you have to.
Each of our Presidency bore testimonies of our Savior and his love as did Bronwen, Collette, Kym & Merle. Bec sang & played a beautiful song, 'I am of worth, infinite worth....I'll grow in his savior, redeemer loves me...I'll be all he wants me to be.......i will praise him.....I will serve him.......' another beautiful song which will motivate you also to love yourself & show the Lord how much you love him. So Sisters, be kind to yourselves, let your love shine & you will glow brighter than the brightest star at night.
We love you & appreciate what you do for one another xxxxoooo

02 November, 2008

Halloween - Witches of the East

Friday night broom sticks were fired up & witches headed for the La Cantina for a tasty meal, cooked fresh in the caldron. The meal consisted of frogs, cockroaches, grubs, flies, unmentionables & pasta eeeh eeeeh eeeeh eeeeh. Lots of pranks were played & lots of laughter. And yes we were the only ones dressed for the occasion in the restaurant & fortunate for them they escaped without being cursed. There were a few cries of witches laughter as patrons left the restaurant as a goodbye gesture. A young boy, McKenzie, was dining with his Dad for his birthday so we all sang the primary happy birthday song to him & presented him with a caldron of spell binding goodies. The whole restaurant went silent as we sang. It was incredible. Afterwards some flew to Maccas for a hot choc or sundae before heading off into the night. Check out these ole haggs!